Event Name: EMBRAPA 5.1

Event Code : EMB-PVØ51-1
Trade Name:

Crop: Phaseolus vulgaris - Bean, Common Bean

Developer: EMBRAPA (Brazil)

Method of Trait Introduction: Microparticle bombardment of plant cells or tissue

GM Trait: Viral disease resistance

Commercial Trait: (SingularDisease Resistance (DR)


Basic Genetic Modification

Gene Introduced Gene Source Product Function
ac1 (sense and antisense) Bean Golden Mosaic Virus (BGMV) sense and antisense RNA of viral replication protein (Rep); no functional viral replication protein is produced inhibits the synthesis of the viral replication protein of the Bean Golden Mosaic Virus (BGMV), thereby conferring resistance to the BGMV


Regulatory Approvals: Country, Year and Type of Approval

Country Food
direct use or processing
direct use or processing
domestic or non-domestic use

Last updated: August 10, 2012


Documents and Links

Event Description

Regulatory and Biosafety Information

Detection Methods